Press club delhi is registered as a charitable trust under section 6 of trust act 1860. Besides this we also have licence granted under section 25 of company act, 1956 read with the government of india, ministry of law, justice and company affairs, notification no. GSR, R288(E) dated 31.05.1991 as 999 Press Club Of India Foundation, Licence number: 102403.
Press club Mumbai:
The objectives of the Press Club are:
1. to protect and preserve the constitutional rights of journalist members through reasonable and justification.
2. to provide professional members, educational, social, cultural and recreational activities and to establish, maintain and conduct a Club for the use and benefit of members, their families and guests.
3. to establish and/or support institutions and advancement of their professional skill and equipment.
4. to provide, to the extent feasible, facilities for holding press conferences, meetings, symposia and activities of professional interest.
5. to promote on its own or in co-operation with other institutions project for the education and training of journalists.
6. to provide relief to ordinary and honorary members and/or their families in indigent circumstances.
7. to provide to the extent feasible and at reasonable charges temporary lodging and allied facilities for visiting journalists.
8. to carry on all such other lawful activities as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects.